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My Latest Hunts!


Now that I am able to use outside picture hosting, I can actually expand my website a little more. On this page I will show the pictures from my most recent artifact expeditions. As I go on successive hunts, I will move some of those pictures to other pages. In the meantime, enjoy!

I won't draw you a map to my sites (SORRY!) but I will at least give a general idea of where each hunt was made.

19 Jan. 2009 - An Enjoyable Hunt with Royse Reed

Royse and I walked a lot of miles for this haul, which was fairly decent in quality,albeit a little lacking in numbers.  I wound up with four whole points and one crude Waco Sinker, and several broken ones.  Royse didn't do too well on the points, but found a nice 18K gold ring, most likely lost by a fisherman.

  WINTER 2008 - 2009

Not as productive as last fall, but I have still managed to find a few points here and there . . . . I am ahead of the curve for last year, at least!!

Jan. 10, 2009 - a very cold day's hunt!
Ray was sidelined with illness at this time, so I went hunting with the father of one of my students.  Jack had collected years before and was anxious to get back into the hobby.  Found a few fairly commonplace points, then spotted THIS serrated beauty in the water's edge!  Check my "In Situ Shots" page for the killer picture before I ever touched it!


My last hunt of 2008 was a two day run back down to my friend Doug's place with Ray Gathright.  We had a great time and dug some nice artifacts.  This was my haul for the two day hunt - a total of seven.  Ray outdid me on quality - AGAIN!


In Situ shot from Jan. 19, 2009

14 Feb. 2009 - Happy Valentine's Day!

My Valentine was in Austin at a Music Teacher's convention, so Ray and I headed out with a friend named Danny.  Ray got seven and I got three, but two of mine were pretty good quality, I thought.  It was a nice day to be out, regardless.